Located 147 companies in GENTSESTEENWEG in Zele

We located 147 legal entities on the address: GENTSESTEENWEG in Zele in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0474.439.470Alkeba ProjectsPLIMCO
BE 0846.545.130BULLGAZPLC
BE 0682.476.657BULTECHPLC
BE 0660.678.777Vereniging van mede-eigenaars van het gebouw te Zele, Gentsesteenweg 102ACOOWN
BE 1008.911.153H&NADAPLC
BE 0833.150.321AB-GROUPPLC
BE 0727.596.901DiasportsNPROF
BE 0476.173.493C.S. INVESTPr LLC
BE 0474.968.517T-IMMOPr LLC
BE 1013.279.420Liesbeth De BruynePLC
BE 0768.722.228ErtuPLC
BE 0840.203.607RO-HAN BouwPr LLC
BE 0672.368.465BuitenWerkNPROF
BE 0673.925.811Sweetart VerleyenGENPAR
BE 0627.604.351Samenuitbating Hanselaer José & StevenCAWOLP
BE 0423.316.215Carrosserie DE BEULE GEBROEDERSPr LLC
BE 0417.637.953Jong LandbouwbelangenNPROF
BE 0827.603.307PVM Legal ServicesPLC
BE 0877.690.939MAPAPLC