Located 23 companies in rue henri barbus se in Faches-Thumesnil
We located 23 legal entities on the address: rue henri barbus se in Faches-Thumesnil in France.Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!
VAT number | Company name | Juridical form | Juridical situation | Type of enterprise |
BE 1004.005.329 | SASU FG2M | FORENT | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0459.011.225 | SA MISSENARD QUINT B. | FEWOUVAT | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0444.708.772 | MECANIQUE CHAUDRONNERIE HYDRAULIQUE | FEWOUVAT | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0650.552.670 | Etam SCE | FORENT | Entity identification | Legal Person |
BE 0783.236.693 | SOCIETE DE TRAVAUX DE METALLERIE - S.T.M. | FORENT | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 1012.227.563 | SAS LOLO PARIS | FORENT | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0799.743.521 | chambre interprofessionnelle du self-storage | FORENT | Entity identification | Legal Person |
BE 0630.640.154 | ETAM LINGERIE SASU | FORENT | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0850.989.215 | ETAM SA | FEWOUVAT | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0436.278.977 | DUMEZ FRANCE | FEWOUVAT | Cessation of activities in Belgium (foreign entity) | Legal Person |
BE 0661.894.643 | GTM BATIMENT | FORENT | Cessation during identification | Legal Person |
BE 0829.143.132 | SAS Editions le Chasse Maree | FORENT | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0882.903.403 | CECLIM SARL | FORENT | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 1006.152.591 | Polyclinique du Parc sas | FORENT | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0422.103.022 | Prisma Media | FORENT | Cessation of activities in Belgium (foreign entity) | Legal Person |
BE 0873.641.584 | FINANCIERE CASTERES | FORENT | Entity identification | Legal Person |
BE 0743.665.247 | RM CONCEPT SAS | FORENT | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0420.393.050 | Eddy Van den Broeke | FORENT | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0652.955.597 | ETAM SAS | FORENT | Entity identification | Legal Person |
BE 0873.724.827 | FINANCIERE CASTERAS | FORENT | Entity identification | Legal Person |